The Fat & Broke Podcast

179 | How To Lose Weight | Strategies To Lose Weight & Keep It Off

Peter Brouillard, Gary Donia, & Sarah Newell

Show Summary: 

A few shows ago, we discussed the best way to eliminate debt and be less broke.  Today, to shed some pounds and be less fat, we will give you our plan for losing weight.  Like most things in life, there is no best way to do this, but we will give you the steps you need to get started.  

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Daylight savings time and work got the best of Sarah.  She overslept and missed the show!

Headline Of The Week:

Promising New Weight Loss Drug In Short Supply-60 Minutes Clip

How To Pay Down Debt:

  1. Get into a low (250-500) caloric deficit.
  2. Eat whole foods 90% of the time.
  3. Weight training to improve metabolism.
  4. Leverage habit-stacking and identify/eliminate triggers.
  5. Have a post-weight loss plan to avoid rebound.

To learn more about the steps above, listen to the show!